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332 Calculus tutors available in Philadelphia, PA
1st Lesson Free
Eleanor Brooks
Calculus Tutor
4.7 146 reviews
249 students | 3011 lessons
$ 29 per lesson
Bachelor’s Degree (4 years)
2+ years experience
Timezone: Philadelphia, PA
1st Lesson Free
Fenella Carrington
Calculus Tutor
4.2 133 reviews
211 students | 2786 lessons
$ 37 per lesson
Master’s / Graduate Degree
3+ years experience
Timezone: Philadelphia, PA
1st Lesson Free
Ankit Mishra
ACT Math Tutor
4.3 356 reviews
593 students | 7182 lessons
$ 33 per lesson
Master’s / Graduate Degree
6+ years experience
Timezone: Philadelphia, PA
Ms. Barrow is an exceptional instructor who genuinely dedicates herself to her students' improvement. She generously offers additional time beyond our scheduled sessions, ensuring we grasp complex calculus concepts. Her commitment not only enhances our understanding but also builds our confidence as budding mathematicians.
Paige made each Calculus concept clearer for me, enhancing my overall understanding. In a subject as complex as Calculus, additional time and detailed explanations are essential, and Paige provided exactly that. Her instructions were straightforward and easy to follow. She's not only knowledgeable but also very approachable and kind! 😊
My sessions with Fenella have been incredibly rewarding! She has a remarkable talent for simplifying complex topics, making them easy to grasp. Her teaching style is engaging and enjoyable, which keeps me motivated and interested in the subject.
Ava Fullerton is an amazing tutor! She breaks down complex topics into simple terms and doesn't mind revisiting the basics if needed. Ava tailors her teaching to match my understanding, making learning more effective. Plus, she's really friendly and supportive! 😊
Eleanor Brooks is both a mentor and a friend to her students, demonstrating exceptional dedication and patience. Her approach to teaching is thoughtful and encouraging, consistently providing the extra support needed to grasp complex concepts. I enthusiastically recommend her as a tutor, especially for those looking to strengthen their problem-solving skills in Calculus.
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Find Calculus tutors at a location near you
Average lesson cost: | 33 $/hr |
Tutor Location: | Philadelphia, Pennsylvania |
Free trial offered: | Yes |
Tutors available: | 332 |
Average tutor rating: | 4.39/5 |
Lesson format: | One-on-One Online |