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345 Calculus tutors available in Los Angeles, CA
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Justin deWees
Statistics Tutor
4.8 210 reviews
346 students | 3986 lessons
$ 31 per lesson
Bachelor’s Degree (3 years)
2+ years experience
Timezone: Los Angeles, CA
1st Lesson Free
Ashish Yadav
ACT Math Tutor
4.7 167 reviews
232 students | 3112 lessons
$ 29 per lesson
Bachelor’s Degree (4 years)
5+ years experience
Timezone: Los Angeles, CA
1st Lesson Free
Sukhnoor Kaur
ACT Math Tutor
4.8 341 reviews
455 students | 7089 lessons
$ 32 per lesson
Bachelor’s Degree (4 years)
1+ years experience
Timezone: Los Angeles, CA
Ginevra is an exceptional instructor who clarifies the material better than my university lectures. Her supportive approach and clear explanations have significantly boosted my confidence in calculus. I strongly recommend her for anyone struggling with math. She's also incredibly considerate and always available to assist, be it through emails or face-to-face sessions.
Lena has a unique ability to break down complex concepts into simple, manageable explanations, making learning much more accessible. I highly recommend seizing the opportunity to work with her if you have the chance. Her approach truly enhances understanding and makes tackling challenging assignments easier.
I have been fortunate to have Ursa as my tutor for the past year as I navigated the challenges of Calculus. Ursa is a remarkable tutor whose dedication to her students is evident in every lesson. She prioritizes the academic growth of her students, consistently going above and beyond to ensure that even those who struggle the most can grasp complex concepts. Her enthusiasm and commitment make learning an enjoyable and rewarding experience.
Tavia Montgomery is an outstanding tutor, and her guidance in Calculus has been incredibly helpful. She not only helps me complete my assignments but also provides extra materials occasionally, which are great for my weekly preparations. Under her mentorship, I’ve seen a significant improvement in my grades, moving from struggling to achieving a solid A in just three months! 🌟 Tavia truly goes above and beyond in her teaching efforts.
Miles Mitchell is a fantastic educator and a truly empathetic individual. As I prepared for my Calculus standardized test, his guidance was invaluable. He has an exceptional talent for simplifying complex ideas, making them much easier to grasp. His expertise and thoughtful teaching methods have greatly boosted my confidence in my abilities. I wholeheartedly recommend Miles to anyone needing help in this subject he really knows his stuff!
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Find Calculus tutors at a location near you
Average lesson cost: | 35 $/hr |
Tutor Location: | Los Angeles, California |
Free trial offered: | Yes |
Tutors available: | 345 |
Average tutor rating: | 4.38/5 |
Lesson format: | One-on-One Online |