Find the Best Calculus Tutors Near Me in New York, NY
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365 Calculus tutors available in New York, NY
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Aditi Agarwal
Calculus Tutor
4.6 158 reviews
251 students | 3113 lessons
$ 35 per lesson
Master’s / Graduate Degree
7+ years experience
Timezone: New York, NY
1st Lesson Free
Daniel Addokwei Tetteh
ACT Math Tutor
4.9 258 reviews
327 students | 4785 lessons
$ 44 per lesson
Doctorate (PhD)
3+ years experience
Timezone: New York, NY
1st Lesson Free
Verity Kingsley
AP Precalculus Tutor
4.5 198 reviews
315 students | 3686 lessons
$ 32 per lesson
Bachelor’s Degree (3 years)
4+ years experience
Timezone: New York, NY
Owen Anderson is a fantastic Calculus tutor who goes above and beyond to ensure all concepts are clearly understood. His teaching methods are innovative and extremely effective. Throughout my college senior year, I depended greatly on his lessons. Owen was instrumental in helping me master calculus techniques, playing a key role in my academic success in the subject. 🌟
Petal Martin was a game-changer for my Calculus courses in Grade 11! Whenever I faced hurdles with difficult calculus problems, she stepped in with her calm and clear teaching style. Her guidance made complex equations look simple and boosted my understanding significantly. I truly appreciate her patience and skill in teaching. If you need a tutor who really makes a difference, I’d definitely recommend Petal! 👍
Verity is a genuinely supportive and knowledgeable tutor who makes learning enjoyable!
Zoe Cameron is a true expert across multiple subjects! 😊 She's not only incredibly patient but also genuinely caring in her approach to teaching. Zoe always makes sure to break down concepts thoroughly, ensuring I grasp every part of the process. If you're looking for a tutor who truly invests in your understanding, Zoe is the perfect choice!
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AP Calculus AB
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Find Calculus tutors at a location near you
Average lesson cost: | 34 $/hr |
Tutor Location: | New York, NewYork |
Free trial offered: | Yes |
Tutors available: | 365 |
Average tutor rating: | 4.52/5 |
Lesson format: | One-on-One Online |