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331 Calculus tutors available in Chicago, IL
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Muhammad Maaz Siddiqi
Calculus Tutor
4.8 233 reviews
354 students | 5466 lessons
$ 33 per lesson
Bachelor’s Degree (4 years)
2+ years experience
Timezone: Chicago, IL
1st Lesson Free
amit jha
ACT Math Tutor
4.3 265 reviews
352 students | 4210 lessons
$ 35 per lesson
Master’s / Graduate Degree
25+ years experience
Timezone: Chicago, IL
1st Lesson Free
Twinkle Desai
ACT Math Tutor
4.6 88 reviews
115 students | 1761 lessons
$ 34 per lesson
Master’s / Graduate Degree
6+ years experience
Timezone: Chicago, IL
I highly endorse Zinnia Oakley as a truly dedicated and knowledgeable tutor. Her enthusiasm for teaching is infectious, making complex calculus concepts much more accessible and engaging. Zinnia’s commitment to her students’ understanding is evident in every lesson. If you're looking to deepen your grasp of mathematics, Zinnia’s classes are a must attend! 🌟
Esme Yardley is a truly inspiring tutor whose teaching methods will not only make you enjoy your course but also deepen your understanding significantly. Her innovative approach and extensive knowledge in mathematics make her an exceptional guide in the subject. I wholeheartedly recommend Esme as an outstanding calculus tutor. With complete confidence, she is the mentor you want to help you excel.
Isabeau is an exceptional and reliable instructor. She shows great patience and understanding, especially when I struggle with complex topics. Rather than getting frustrated, she kindly helps me navigate through each challenge, offering various problem-solving strategies that make learning engaging. 😊
My calculus classes with Briony Warfield were incredibly engaging and enlightening. She has a knack for simplifying complex topics, making them easy to understand, all while ensuring we thoroughly cover the material. I highly recommend her if you find yourself challenged by calculus or any mathematics!
After thoroughly searching for a reliable tutor, I was lucky to find Aria Murphy. I'm writing to wholeheartedly recommend her, as she has been instrumental in my understanding of Calculus to ace my Algebra tests. Aria not only answers all your queries but also creatively challenges her students, enhancing our learning experience significantly. 👍
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Find Calculus tutors at a location near you
Average lesson cost: | 35 $/hr |
Tutor Location: | Chicago, Illinois |
Free trial offered: | Yes |
Tutors available: | 331 |
Average tutor rating: | 4.38/5 |
Lesson format: | One-on-One Online |