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Parents’ Guide To High School Math

Written by Medha Pandey

Updated on: 12 Aug 2024


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If you’re worried about your child’s studies and career, you’re not alone. Parents’ guide to high school math will help you be your child’s best guide to high school math.

How to know that your child needs help in high school math?

What to do to support your child in math? 

What to do if your child has math anxiety? 

At Wiingy, we tutor many high school students in math. A lot of parents agreed over a discussion that they couldn’t recognize if their child needed additional help in math until their grades started falling abnormally.

Hence, we have come up with this amazing parent’s guide to high school math that includes expert tips from our experienced math tutors, to help your child excel in high school math.

As a parent, you must observe your child’s overtime performance in math tests to know if they need help in math. Support your child like a best friend and ask where they’re struggling. Provide them with experienced math tutors to help them clear difficult concepts and build a strong foundation in math. 

Here’s a complete guide to your child’s high school math: 

Does your child need help with high school math classes?

It can sometimes be challenging to determine whether a child is struggling with math concepts or simply dislikes doing math homework. Here are some signs that can help you distinguish between the two:

Consistent low performance

If your child consistently receives low scores or grades on math assignments, quizzes, and tests, it may indicate a struggle with understanding the material. However, you must not judge your child based on one or two test results, these observations might take a month or two.

Absence of math-related activities

A child struggling with math might avoid math-related activities, not just homework. They may resist participating in math-related games, puzzles, or discussions in classes. 

Expressing confusion

If your child frequently expresses confusion about math topics, asks for help, or seeks clarification, it could be an indicator of difficulty with their perception. In this case, you must not delay and provide them a tutoring support, preferably, one-on-one private math tutoring. 


Delaying or avoiding homework because they find it challenging, might be a sign of struggling with math concepts.

To better understand your child’s situation, it’s essential to communicate with them openly. Ask about their experiences with math, their feelings toward math homework, and whether they feel they’re struggling with specific concepts. 

If you suspect they are struggling, consider seeking additional help, such as a tutor or extra practice resources. If you don’t find suitable in-person tutors within your budget, online tutoring is a great idea. 

If it’s a matter of disliking homework, you can work together to find strategies to make it more manageable and enjoyable, or again, you may get help from math tutors to help your child complete homework on time.

How to support your child’s math education?

There are many ways to support your child’s math education. But the most important tip is right here: Be your child’s best friend. Let them share their hustle with you. Ensure they’re comfortable talking to you, and you’re approachable. Then, follow these steps: 

Talk to your child

Ask your child about what they are learning in school and help them understand the concepts. You should also talk to their teachers, counselor, and other advisors about your child’s future goals, and how to achieve them.

Avoid saying you are bad at math. Stay Positive!

Even if you are great at math, it’s important to avoid passing on negative messages about it to your children. Instead, focus on difficulty and effort. 

Say things like, “I understand how difficult this is for you. It was difficult for me too,” or “Don’t worry if it feels like math problems take more effort than some of your other assignments. You may not understand it yet, but I am confident we can work it out together.”

Have your child teach you math

Have you ever noticed that when you have to explain something to someone else, you suddenly understand it better yourself? That’s because teaching helps us to consolidate our knowledge and try new ways of explaining concepts.

If your child is struggling with a math problem, try asking them to explain it to you. This can be a great way for them to practice their communication skills and develop a deeper understanding of the material.

If they get stuck, you can help them break the problem down into smaller steps or find different ways to represent the problem. You can also encourage them to think about why the problem works the way it does.

Even if your child can only help you a little bit, they may spark insights that allow you to finish where they left off. And even if they don’t get the answer right away, the process of trying to explain the problem to you will still be beneficial for them.

Set realistic goals

It is important to set realistic goals for your child in math. This will help them to stay motivated and to avoid feeling overwhelmed. When setting goals, consider your child’s current abilities and interests. Talk to your child about their goals. What do they want to achieve in math? Break down large goals into smaller, more manageable goals. Set deadlines for achieving each goal. Provide support and encouragement as your child works towards their goals.

❌Do not ask your child to score extraordinary grades within a short time period. 

❌Do not expect them to learn all math concepts at once.

❌Do not expect them to manage everything alone if they can’t.

Provide them with professional support

A study conducted by San Bernardino Valley College has found that students who receive more academic support are more likely to pass their courses and stay enrolled. 

If your child is falling behind in math class in high school, it’s a crucial point to take immediate action. Ask your friends and family and search for a high school math tutor. If in-person high school tutors are costing more, you can look for private online math tutors for high school too. 

💡Useful Resource 📖To find the right high school tutor, check out our guide on How to Find The Right High School Math Tutor?

In fact, Wiingy’s one-on-one high school math lessons with expert math tutors start at $28 per hour. 

Tips for parents of children with math anxiety

Having math anxiety is normal. Many students suffer from math anxiety. However, we can’t let it be a roadblock in our children’s education. Here is what to do if your child has math anxiety: 

👏Be supportive and understanding. 

Let your child know that math is a skill that anyone can learn, even if it takes some time and effort. Avoid making negative comments about math or about your child’s abilities.

😅Focus on effort and perseverance. 

Praise your child for trying their best, even if they don’t get the answer right. Help them to understand that it’s okay to make mistakes and that learning from mistakes is a key part of the learning process

🧑‍🏫Talk to your child’s teacher. 

Let the teacher know that your child is struggling with math anxiety. They can provide support and accommodations in the classroom, and they can also work with you to develop a plan to help your child succeed.

👍Help your child to see the relevance of math to their everyday lives

Show your child how math is used in the real world, such as in cooking, shopping, and budgeting. This will help them to see the value of math and to be more motivated to learn.

📒Help your child with their homework. 

If your child is struggling with their math homework, offer to help them. You can explain concepts, help them work through problems, and provide support and encouragement.

✅Provide them with a math tutor. 

Yes, most of the time, math anxiety is caused by unclear concepts and formulas. Hire a professional high school math tutor for your child who can explain the concepts and formulas in detail. 

Useful resource: What is High School Math?

👍🔍 Recommended Reading 📚📖

Final Thoughts on Parents’ guide to high school math

If your child is performing consistently low in math, they might require additional math help from a tutor. Talking to your child about their math class and the challenges they’re facing will help them share their difficulties related to the subject. Ask your child to teach math to you for a good revision.

Math anxiety is a real problem that can harm children’s learning and future opportunities. However, it is important to remember that math anxiety is treatable. There are many resources available to help you and your child overcome math anxiety. With the right support, children can overcome their math anxiety and succeed in math. 

Written by by

Medha Pandey

Reviewed by by

Prerit Jain

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