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What is High School Math?

Written by Medha Pandey

Updated on: 12 Aug 2024


1High School Math Syllabus2Parents Guide to High School Math3Hardest Math in High School4Easiest High School Math5Where to learn High School Math6How To Get Better At High School Math7How To Study For A Math Test8If You Fail A Semester Of Math In High School9Benefits Of A Private High School Math Tutor10Type Of Math In High School11Best High School Math Worksheets12High School Math Classes13What Is High School Math14What Is 10th Grade Math15Is 10th Grade Math Hard16What If You Fail In 10th Grade Math1710th Grade Math Tips1810th Grade Math Resources19What Is 9th Grade Math20Is 9th Grade Math Hard21What If You Fail In 9th Grade Math229th Grade Math Tips239th Grade Math Resources24Is High School Math Useful2511th Grade Math Resources26What Is 11th Grade Math27Is 11th Grade Math Hard28If You Fail In 11th Grade Math2911th Grade Math Tips30What Is 12th Grade Math31Is 12th Grade Math Hard32If You Fail In 12th Grade Math3312th Grade Math Tips3412th Grade Math Resources35What is Middle School Math36Is Middle School Math Hard37If You Fail In Middle School Math38Middle School Math Tips39Middle School Math Resources40What Is 8th Grade Math41Is 8th Grade Math Hard42If You Fail In 8th Grade Math438th Grade Math Tips448th Grade Math Resources45What Is 7th Grade Math46Is 7th Grade Math Hard47If You Fail In 7th Grade Math487th Grade Math Tips497th Grade Math Resources50How to Find High School Math Tutor51What Is 6th Grade Math52Is 6th Grade Math Hard53If You Fail In 6th Grade Math546th Grade Math Tips556th Grade Math Resources56What Is Algebra57What Is Linear Algebra58What Is Algebra 159What Is Algebra 260What Is Pre-Algebra61Is Algebra Hard62How To Learn Algebra63In What Grade Should You Take Algebra 1 and Algebra 264How to Learn Math65How to Learn Geometry66How to Learn Calculus67How to Learn Statistics68How to Learn Trigonometry69How to Find Best High School Math Tutor70How to Learn Probability
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High School math prepares a student for college math or STEM courses. It begins with Algebra 1, then follows Geometry, Algebra 2, and Pre-calculus.

Students who take an advanced or accelerated course in high school math may also choose to take calculus, AP Calculus AB, AP Calculus BC, AP statistics or trigonometry in high school.

In this article, we’ll take a closer look at the various aspects of high school math and answer crucial queries about it.

High School math curriculum

The complete high school math curriculum can be primarily completed through advanced, average, and remedial lesson plans.

Advanced math courses

In the advanced math courses, students complete Algebra 1 by 7th or 8th grade (middle school). Subsequently, they complete Geometry by grade 9 (freshman year), Algebra 2 by grade 10 (sophomore year), and Pre-calculus by grade 11 (junior high school year).

In the senior or final high school year, they can learn advanced math concepts and lessons like trigonometry, Calculus I and II, and prepare for AP calculus (AB & BC) or AP statistics.

The advanced math lesson plan covers more deeper and challenging concepts than basic lesson plans. Students who are interested in pursuing a career in STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) can go for this lesson plan.

Average math courses

The average high school math courses cover Algebra 1 by grade 9 (freshman year), Geometry by grade 10 (sophomore year), Algebra 2 by grade 11 (junior high school year), and Pre-calculus or trigonometry fundamentals in grade 12.

Average math lesson plans cover the standard math concepts that high school students need to succeed in their academic and professional lives. These lesson plans are designed for students who may or may not be pursuing a career in STEM, but they are still beneficial for students in all majors.

Remedial math courses

The remedial high school math courses cover Pre-Algebra in 9th grade and Algebra I in 10th grade. In 11th grade, students will take Geometry, and in 12th grade, they will proceed to Algebra II and pre-calculus. 

In general, students who fall behind in math go for remedial math courses. In remedial math classes, students learn at their own pace and receive individualized attention from their teachers. They have the opportunity to master the basics of math and build a strong foundation for future success.

Core Subjects of High School math

The complete High School Math syllabus is divided into 4 years of math courses. Students start learning high school math from grade 9 onwards. The following are the most important topics taught in high school math:

Algebra 1

Algebra 1 is the basic foundation of all other high school math classes. It is a fundamental course that covers a wide range of topics, including real numbers, linear equations, polynomials, quadratic functions, and equations.

Students typically take Algebra 1 in their first year of high school, but math classes are placed based on placement test results. This means that high school math classes may contain students from different grades.

The key topics covered in high school Algebra 1 include 

  • Parts of an Expression.
  • Algebraic Fractions.
  • Complex Fractions.
  • Combining Like Terms.
  • Simplify and Evaluate Expressions.
  • Equivalent Expressions.

Algebra 2

Algebra 2 is a high school math course that builds on the concepts and skills learned in Algebra 1. It covers a wide range of topics, including graphing and solving equations, functions, inequalities, and trigonometry.

The key topics covered in high school Algebra 2 include

  • Linear equations
  • Inequalities
  • Graphs, matrices
  • Polynomials and radical expressions
  • Quadratic equations
  • Functions
  • Exponential and logarithmic expressions 
  • Sequences and series
  • Probability and trigonometry


Geometry is a high school math course that covers the properties of shapes and space. It is often taken after Algebra 1 and may include students from different grades, depending on placement test results.

The key topics covered in high school Geometry include

  • Congruence of triangles.
  • Similarity in triangles.
  • Geometric formulas.
  • Pythagorean Theorem.
  • Proving geometric theorem,
  • Probability.


Trigonometry is a high school math course that covers the relationships between the sides and angles of triangles. It is often taken in the junior year, but it may be taken earlier or later depending on the student’s placement and interests.

Some schools include trigonometry as part of Algebra 2, while others offer it as a separate course. Trigonometry builds on the concepts of geometry and algebra and applies them to periodic and circular functions.

The key topics covered in high school trigonometry include 

  • Triangle Classification Theorems.
  • Angles and Trigonometric Functions.
  • Solving Trigonometric Equations.
  • Applying Vectors in the Plane.
  • Equations of Hyperbolas.


Statistics is a branch of mathematics that deals with data collection, data analysis, interpretation, and presentation of data. It is a valuable skill for students to learn in high school, as it can be used in many different fields, including science, business, government, and the social sciences.

The key topics covered in high school statistics include

  • Create histograms.
  • Read histograms.
  • Displaying a single quantitative variable: Quiz 1.
  • Creating dot plots.
  • Reading dot plots & frequency tables.
  • Calculating mean and median from data displays.
  • Estimating mean and median in data displays.
  • Interquartile range (IQR)


Precalculus is an elective math course that is often taken by seniors who plan to study math in college. 

Precalculus is a challenging course, but it is essential for students who plan to study calculus or other advanced math courses in college. It also provides a strong foundation for students who plan to pursue careers in fields such as engineering, science, and finance.

The key topics covered in high school Precalculus include 

  • Functions and Modeling.
  • Trigonometry.
  • Systems and Matrices.
  • Analytic Geometry.
  • Analytic Trigonometry.
  • Complex Numbers and Polar Coordinates.
  • Vectors.
  • Matrices.

Other Electives

High school elective math classes vary from school to school, but they often include topics such as math applications, math literacy, and computer math. These courses emphasize real-world applications of math and can benefit students who plan to pursue something other than a STEM field in college.

AP Calculus

AP Calculus is a rigorous math course that covers the same material as a first-year college calculus course. It is a popular choice for students who are interested in pursuing a career in STEM or who want to challenge themselves academically.

Students who had already taken at least one advanced math course before their senior year were most likely to take AP Calculus in their senior year. These courses are designed to prepare students for college-level math and STEM courses, and they can give students a competitive edge in college admissions.

There are two levels of AP Calculus: AP Calculus AB and AP Calculus BC. AP Calculus AB covers the material of a first-semester college calculus course, while AP Calculus BC covers the material of both first- and second-semester college calculus courses.

AP Calculus AB covers the following topics:

  • Limits and continuity
  • Differentiation
  • Applications of differentiation
  • Integration
  • Applications of integration

AP Calculus BC covers all the AP Calculus AB topics as well as covers the following topics:

  • Polar coordinates
  • Parametric equations
  • Vector-valued functions
  • Infinite series

To take AP Calculus, students must typically have completed Algebra II and Precalculus. Some schools may also require students to take a placement test before enrolling in AP Calculus. 

AP Statistics

AP Statistics is a college-level statistics course offered in high schools through the Advanced Placement (AP) program. It is designed to introduce students to the major concepts and tools for collecting, analyzing, and drawing conclusions from data.

Students who had already taken at least one advanced math course before their senior year were most likely to take AP Statistics in their senior year. The course is designed to prepare students for college-level math and Business Math courses, and they can give students a competitive edge in college admissions.

AP statistics may include:

  • Exploring Data.
  • Sampling and Experimentation.
  • Probability and Random Variables.
  • Statistical Inference.

⭐ Useful Resource📖: How to prepare for AP test online

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How many math classes are required in high school?

Most high school students are required to take 3 years of math, but 4 years is recommended, especially for students who plan to attend college. Some schools may also require students to complete specific math courses, such as Algebra I and Geometry before they can graduate.

If you are not planning to major in a STEM field in college, you may want to take math courses that are directly related to your intended field of study. However, if you do plan to major in a STEM field, high school is the best time to start learning advanced math concepts.

In the United States, most states require students to take three or four math courses before graduation. The traditional course sequence is Algebra 1, Geometry, and Algebra 2. However, not all students follow this plan. Some students take an accelerated track, taking Algebra 1 in 8th grade. Other students take a different pathway, which may or may not include all three of the traditional courses.

How many credits are math in high school? 

High school students must complete a minimum of 23 credits to graduate. These credits include:

  • 4 credits of language arts (including English 9 and American Literature)
  • 4 credits of math (including Algebra, Geometry, and Algebra II)
  • 4 credits of science (including Biology; Physical Science; Physics; Chemistry, Environmental Science, Earth Science, or an AP Science)
  • 3 credits of social studies (including U.S. History, World History, Economics, and Government)
  • 0.5 credit for Personal Fitness
  • 0.5 credit of Health
  • 7 credits of electives (including at least 3 credits of Career/Technology, World Language, and/or Fine Arts)

What math should a high schooler know?

High school math proficiency requirements vary by state and school district. However, many states have adopted the Common Core State Standards Initiative, which provides a framework for recommended math skills and concepts.

The Common Core State Standards for Mathematics outline a set of basic math concepts and skills that contribute to student’s future success, irrespective of the choice: whether they choose to attend college or enter the workforce. These skills and concepts include 

  • Number and operations
  • Algebra, functions, and modeling
  • Geometry
  • Statistics and probability
  • Precalculus and trigonometry

High school math worksheets

Here are the top 10 sites that provide high school math worksheets (mostly free): 

Key Takeaways on High School Math

High School math is an important part of a well-rounded education. It teaches students how to think critically, solve problems, and communicate their ideas effectively.

  • Math skills are also essential for many careers, including engineering, science, finance, and business.
  • Most high school students are required to take four years of math, including Algebra 1, Geometry, Algebra 2, and Precalculus. Some students may also choose to take additional math classes, such as Trigonometry, Statistics, and AP Calculus.

High school math can be challenging, but it is also rewarding. Students who succeed in math will be well-prepared for college and for many different career paths.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What type of math is in high school?

High School math prepares a student for college math or STEM courses. It begins with Algebra 1, then follows Geometry, Algebra 2, and Pre-calculus.

Students who take an advanced or accelerated course in high school math may also choose to take calculus, AP Calculus AB, AP Calculus BC, AP statistics, or trigonometry in high school.

What is 12th grade math called?

12th-grade math is called senior high school math. It covers Pre-calculus, calculus, trigonometry, or AP courses in general.

What does high school math teach you?

High school math covers various topics that serve as foundational knowledge in mathematics. Some key areas include:

Algebra: Equations, inequalities, functions, polynomials, and their operations.
Geometry: Shapes, angles, lines, triangles, circles, area, volume, and geometric proofs.
Trigonometry: Relationships between angles and sides in triangles, trigonometric functions, and identities.
Calculus: Basics of differentiation and integration, limits, and their applications.
Statistics and Probability: Data analysis, probability theory, distributions, and statistical inference.

Beyond these specific subjects, high school math also teaches problem-solving skills, logical reasoning, critical thinking, and the ability to analyze and interpret data. These skills are valuable in various fields and are often used in higher education and real-world applications.

What is basic math in high school?

The remedial or basic high school math courses cover Pre-Algebra in 9th grade and Algebra I in 10th grade. In 11th grade, students will take Geometry, and in 12th grade, they will proceed to Algebra II. 

What is high school math lesson plan by grades?

The standard high school math by grades includes:

Grade 9: Complete Algebra 1 and Overview Geometry.
Grade 10: Complete Geometry and Overview Algebra 2.
Grade 11: Complete Algebra 2 and Overview Precalculus.
Grade 12: Complete Precalculus and Prepare for AP tests.

What are high school math Algebra topics?

Most common high school math algebra topics are:
Algebra 1:
Parts of an Expression.
Algebraic Fractions.
Complex Fractions.
Combining Like Terms.
Simplify and Evaluate Expressions.
Equivalent Expressions.

Algebra 2:
Linear equations
Graphs, matrices
Polynomials and radical expressions
Quadratic equations
Exponential and logarithmic expressions 
Sequences and series
Probability and trigonometry

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Medha Pandey

Reviewed by by

Prerit Jain

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