Conversion Tools | Easy calculators for converting all the metrics you need
Written by Rahul Lath
Updated on: 24 May 2023
1. All Calculators2. mm to cm3. mm to inch4. mm to m5. mm to ft6. cm to m7. cm to inch8. cm to mm9. cm to ft10. cm to km11. cm to mi12. m to km13. m to mi14. m to cm15. m to mm16. m to inch17. m to ft18. km to mi19. mi to km20. mi to m21. mi to ft22. ft to mi23. inch to cm24. inch to mm25. inch to m26. inch to ft27. mg to kg28. gm to mg29. gm to st30. kg to mg31. kg to oz32. kg to st33. oz to kg34. oz to gm35. lbs to ton36. lbs to st37. lbs to oz38. lbs to mg39. lbs to kg40. lbs to gm41. st to kg42. st to gm43. ton to kg44. ml to l45. l to ml46. qz to gal47. gal to qz48. gal to oz49. gal to L50. gal to ml51. c to gal
Conversion Tools | Easy calculators for converting all the metrics you need
We’ve created a set of guides and calculators to help you easily convert between all the units that you need.
Use the quick reference table below to navigate to the conversion guide and calculator you need.
Length Calculators and Conversion Guides
Weight Calculators and conversion guides
Volume Calculators and conversion guides
1. Cups to Ounces |
2. Cup to Gallon |
3. Quart to Gallon |
4. Millilitre to Litre |
5. Gallon to Litre |
6. Litre to Millilitre |
7. Gallons to Ounces |
Written by by
Rahul LathReviewed by by
Arpit Rankwar