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Convert Millimetre to Centimetre

Written by Rahul Lath

Updated on: 24 May 2023

Convert Millimetre to Centimetre

Convert Millimetre to Centimetre

Millimetre and Centimetre can be defined as units of measurement which can be used to measure the height, width, and length of objects.

In mathematical terms, a millimeter is one-tenth of a centimeter and 100 centimeters make up a meter. 

Wiingy’s millimetre to centimetre calculator helps you to do millimetre to centimetre conversions easily. 





What is a Millimetre?

A millimetre is a unit of length n the metric system. It is used to calculate the width, length, and height of an object, especially small objects.

According to the SI Unit of length, one millimetre is equal to one-thousandth of a metre. The abbreviation for millimetre is “mm”. 

1mm = 0.1cm

What is a Centimetre?

A millimetre is a unit of length n the metric system. It is used to calculate the width, length, and height of an object. According to the SI Unit of length, one centimetre is equal to 10 millimetres and 1 metre is equal to 100 centimetres. The abbreviation for centimetre is “cm”.

1cm = 10 mm

Millimetre to Centimetre conversion formula

You can convert millimetres to centimetres and vice-versa, in a very few simple steps using Wiingy’s conversion calculator. Let’s understand how to convert millimeters to centimeters.

Since, 1cm = 10mm, in order to convert millimetres to centimetres, we need to divide the given number by 10. For example,

Let’s convert 20 millimetres to centimetres.

20/10= 2
Therefore, 20mm = 2cm.

Wiingy’s Millimetre to Centimetre calculator

Using Wiingy’s millimetre-to-centimetre calculator is very easy. Follow the instructions below to convert millimeters to centimeters:

Step 1: Open Wiingy’s millimetre to centimetre calculator.

Step 2: Put the millimetre value that you want to convert to the centimetre, in the millimeter space.

Step 3: Click “convert” and the value that you want to convert will be converted to millimetres.

Millimetre to Centimetre conversion table

To convert millimetres to centimetres for a sequence of numbers, starting from 1 to 10, simply divide 10 by the sequence of numbers and you will get your conversion table for 1 to 10. See the table below for reference:

Millimetre (mm)Centimetre (cm)

FAQs on Millimetre to Centimetre

How to convert 1 mm to centimetres?
As we know that 1 cm is equal to 10 mm, therefore to convert 1mm to cm, we need to divide 10 by 1,
1/10 = 0.1
Hence, 1mm = 0.1cm 

What is the millimeter to centimeter conversion formula?
To convert millimetre to centimetre follow the steps given below:
1 cm = 10mm
1 mm = 0.1 cm
Now, to convert a value from millimetre to centimetre, simply divide the number by 10.
For example,
2 mm =? cm
2/10 = 0.2
Hence, 2 mm = 0.2 cm

Convert 10 mm to centimetres.
To convert 10 mm to centimetres, simply divide 10 by 10.
Therefore, 10/10 = 1
Hence, 10mm = 1cm.

Which is bigger, 1cm or 1mm?
1cm = 10 mm and 1mm = 0.1cm.
So, 1cm is bigger than 1mm.

Convert 5 mm to centimetres.
To convert 5mm to centimetres, simply divide 5 by 10.
Therefore, 5/10 = 0.5
Hence, 5mm= 0.5cm.

Is a centimetre bigger than a millimetre?
The millimetre is 10 times smaller than a centimetre. So, yes the centimetre is bigger than a millimetre.
1cm = 10 mm and 1mm = 0.1cm.

What is the formula for converting mm to cm?
Since, 1cm = 10mm, in order to convert millimetres to centimetres, we need to divide the given number by 10. For example,
Let’s convert 5 millimetres to centimetres.
5/10= 0.5
Therefore, 5 mm = 0.5 cm.

Convert 2 mm to cm.
As we know that 1 cm is equal to 10 mm, therefore to convert 2 mm to cm, we need to divide 10 by 2,
2/10 = 0.2
Hence, 2 mm = 0.2 cm

Related conversion

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mile to metre
mile to kilometre
feet to mile
Millimetre to Feet
Centimetre to Kilometre
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The SI Base Units

Written by by

Rahul Lath

Reviewed by by

Arpit Rankwar

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