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Whether you need to improve grades, understand concepts better, need homework help or prepare for tests, we have the perfect tutor for you.
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356 Math tutors available in Chicago, IL
1st Lesson Free
Shweta N
Math Tutor
4.2 304 reviews
452 students | 7129 lessons
$ 35 per lesson
Doctorate (PhD)
3+ years experience
Timezone: Chicago, IL
1st Lesson Free
Ayla Martin
Math Tutor
5 82 reviews
128 students | 1859 lessons
$ 40 per lesson
Doctorate (PhD)
3+ years experience
Timezone: Chicago, IL
1st Lesson Free
Yari Ospino
Math Tutor
4.7 384 reviews
503 students | 6313 lessons
$ 36 per lesson
Bachelor’s Degree (4 years)
4+ years experience
Timezone: Chicago, IL
I remember the moments of stress before my big test, how Ayla stood by me, guiding me through the material until I felt confident. And whenever I encountered a tricky problem? She'd simplify it in such a way that everything clicked. Ayla is not only reliable and well-versed in her subject, but she's also incredibly patient. Having her as my tutor means I always have a supportive guide through my academic journey. Most importantly, Ayla’s dedication ensures that I can learn with ease, trusting in her consistent support. Thank you, Ayla, for being there and helping me succeed in my studies.
Larkin is exceptionally supportive and empathetic. He makes an effort to truly grasp the unique abilities and challenges of each student. Without being critical, he works diligently to maintain a relaxed and interactive learning environment. His approach helps students stay focused and positive.
Working with Yareli Adams has been a transformative experience. Her commitment to student success both in and outside of the classroom is evident. Math is clearly her passion, and she excels at simplifying complex concepts to make them more accessible. Yareli is truly an exceptional educator.
I've been taking Math lessons with Simmi Vohra twice a week for over a month, and the experience has been amazing. Math has always been a challenge for me, but Simmi makes our sessions enjoyable and engaging. For the first time in a while, I feel hopeful about overcoming my struggles with math, all thanks to Simmi's dedication and teaching style. I'm truly grateful to have found such a wonderful tutor! 🌟😊
I had the pleasure of working with Yari Ospino for my math class assignment. Yari is an outstanding tutor who truly values education. He is knowledgeable, flexible, and reliable, always adjusting his teaching to meet my needs. His passion for teaching and dedication to student success are evident in his patient and supportive approach. Yari's ability to create an effective learning environment makes him a valuable asset to any student looking to improve their math skills.
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Find Math tutors at a location near you
Average lesson cost: | 35 $/hr |
Tutor Location: | Chicago, Illinois |
Free trial offered: | Yes |
Tutors available: | 356 |
Average tutor rating: | 4.53/5 |
Lesson format: | One-on-One Online |