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Top 10 R Libraries For Data Visualization

Written by Rahul Lath

Updated on: 07 Dec 2023

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Welcome, data enthusiasts! If you’re stepping into the world of data science, or you’re already a seasoned pro, you’ve likely crossed paths with the R programming language.

R is a powerhouse for statistical analysis and, you guessed it, data visualization. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore R data visualization packages, the secret sauce that turns your raw data into insightful visuals.

The importance of data visualization in data analysis cannot be overstated. It allows you to make sense of complex data structures, uncovers hidden patterns, and can even help you or your stakeholders make informed decisions. So, let’s dive deep into the vibrant universe of R libraries to up your data visualization game.

Data visualization is a pivotal aspect of data analysis that involves the graphical representation of data. With the surge in big data and data-centric decision-making processes, the role of data visualization packages in R has become increasingly crucial. Not only do these R libraries offer a variety of plotting options, but they also provide a means to make interactive, web-based visualizations.

We’ll cover everything from the basics to the most advanced libraries, ensuring that you have a strong foundation to create engaging, informative, and aesthetically pleasing visualizations. Ready to embark on this data-driven journey? Let’s get started!

Importance of R Libraries for Data Visualization

Okay, let’s get real for a second. You’ve got data—maybe a lot of it—and you need to make sense out of it. You could stare at spreadsheets all day, or you could turn that data into a visual story that anyone can understand. This is where R libraries for data visualization come in.

Why Use R Libraries for Data Visualization?

  • Enhanced Interpretation: With the right visualization, complex data sets become easier to understand. R libraries offer a variety of ways to represent data—whether it’s through bar charts, heat maps, or even three-dimensional plots.
  • Interactive Visuals: Libraries like Plotly and Shiny allow you to create interactive, web-based charts. This makes your data analysis process not just comprehensive but also engaging.
  • Versatility: Whether you are working on a business presentation or an academic paper, R libraries offer the flexibility to create visualizations that suit the context.
  • Code Efficiency: Let’s be honest, writing fewer lines of code that do more is a programmer’s dream. R libraries are optimized for ease of use, so you can create complex visualizations with minimal code.

For example, creating a simple bar chart using the ggplot2 library is incredibly straightforward. Here’s how you can do it:

/code start/ # Load the ggplot2 package


# Create a simple data frame

data <- data.frame(

  category=c("A", "B", "C"),

  count=c(10, 60, 30)


# Create the bar chart

ggplot(data, aes(x=category, y=count)) +

/code end/

By using R libraries like ggplot2, you can generate insightful visualizations with ease, enabling you to focus more on the data interpretation aspect.

So, convinced yet? Utilizing R libraries for data visualization will not only save you time but will also enhance your data interpretation skills. Stay tuned as we delve into the specifics of various R libraries to help you pick the one that suits your needs the best.

Overview of Data Visualization Libraries in R

Before we jump into the heavy-duty stuff, let’s take a quick look at what a library in R actually is. In the simplest terms, a library is a collection of pre-written code that saves you the time and effort of reinventing the wheel. These libraries extend the capabilities of R, adding new functions, methods, and classes that make your life as a data analyst or scientist way easier.

How Are Libraries Used in R for Data Visualization?

Pre-built Functions: One of the most significant advantages of using libraries is that they come with a host of pre-built functions. For example, ggplot2 offers the geom_bar() function for bar plots, while Plotly provides plot_ly() for interactive plots.

Customization: R libraries often allow extensive customization, letting you tweak colors, labels, scales, and much more. Your graphs can be as simple or as detailed as you want them to be.

Integration: Some libraries, like Shiny, enable the integration of R visuals into web applications, allowing for interactive user inputs.

Here’s a quick example using ggplot2 to show how libraries make data visualization a breeze in R:

/code start/ # Load ggplot2 library


# Create a data frame

data <- data.frame(

  name=c("Alice", "Bob", "Charlie"),

  score=c(90, 85, 77)


# Generate a bar chart

ggplot(data, aes(x=name, y=score)) +

  geom_bar(stat="identity", fill="blue") +

  labs(title="Student Scores", x="Name", y="Score")
/code end/

In this example, we used ggplot2 to create a simple bar chart that represents student scores. Notice the labs() function, which we used to label the chart and axes.

Top 10+ R Libraries for Data Visualization

Now that you’re familiar with what R libraries are and how they’re used in data visualization, let’s delve into the cream of the crop. Each of these libraries brings something unique to the table, and we’re going to break them down one by one.

1. ggplot2

Overview of ggplot2: This is arguably the most famous data visualization package in R. It’s based on the Grammar of Graphics, a set of rules for creating graphics, and allows for very complex plots to be built step by step.

Key Features and Benefits:

  • Layered approach allows for complex visualizations
  • A wide array of customization options
  • Strong community support and extensive documentation

Examples of Data Visualization Using ggplot2:

/code start/
/code end/

# Generate a scatter plot with ggplot2

ggplot(data, aes(x=name, y=score)) +

  geom_point(size=4, color=”red”) +

  labs(title=”Student Scores in Scatter Plot”, x=”Name”, y=”Score”)

In this example, we created a scatter plot. The geom_point() function is used to create scatter plots in ggplot2.

2. Plotly

Overview of Plotly: If interactivity is your game, Plotly is the name. This library lets you create interactive plots that can be embedded in dashboards or websites.

Key Features and Benefits:

  • Create interactive plots with tooltips
  • Wide range of chart types, including 3D charts
  • Easy to share and embed in web applications

Examples of Data Visualization Using Plotly:

/code start/
# Load Plotly library


# Create an interactive bar chart

plot_ly(data, x = ~name, y = ~score, type = 'bar', name = 'Scores') %>%

  layout(title = "Interactive Student Scores")
/code end/

Here, we used Plotly to make an interactive bar chart. The plot_ly() function lets you specify data, chart type, and even names for your visual elements.

So, whether you’re looking to create straightforward static graphs or interactive web applications, there’s an R library tailored to your needs. Stick around as we dive deeper into more specialized libraries that might just be the right fit for your next project!

3. Shiny

1. Overview of Shiny

Shiny is a game-changer when it comes to interactive web applications with R. Unlike static charts, Shiny apps allow the user to interact with the visual elements, making your data exploration and presentation incredibly dynamic.

2. Key Features and Benefits

  • Interactive User Interface: Shiny enables you to design a user interface where viewers can interact using sliders, checkboxes, and input fields.
  • Server-side Scripting: With Shiny, you can write R code that reacts to user interaction, updating the visual elements in real-time.
  • Easy Deployment: Shiny apps are easy to share through a link or even embed in HTML documents, thanks to platforms like and RStudio Connect.

3. Examples of Data Visualization Using Shiny

Imagine you want to create a Shiny app that lets users explore how student scores change over time for different subjects. Here’s how you’d go about it:

/code start/ # Load Shiny library


# Define UI

ui <- fluidPage(

  titlePanel("Interactive Student Scores"),



      selectInput("subject", "Choose a subject:", choices = c("Math", "Science"))







# Define server logic

server <- function(input, output) {

  output$scorePlot <- renderPlot({

    # Generate data based on input

    data <- data.frame(

      name = c("Alice", "Bob", "Charlie"),

      score = ifelse(input$subject == "Math", c(90, 85, 88), c(92, 80, 76))


    # Create plot

    ggplot(data, aes(x = name, y = score)) +

      geom_bar(stat = "identity") +

      labs(title = paste("Student Scores in", input$subject))



# Run the app

shinyApp(ui, server)
/code end/

This example shows a Shiny app with a drop-down menu for selecting a subject (Math or Science). The bar chart then updates based on the selection.

4. Leaflet

1. Overview of Leaflet

If you’re into geospatial data visualization, Leaflet is the library you’ve been dreaming of. It allows you to render interactive maps right within your R environment, complete with layers, markers, and even popups!

2. Key Features and Benefits

  • Interactive Mapping: Easily add zoom, pan, and layer selection features.
  • Custom Markers: Place markers at specific geographic coordinates and customize their appearance.
  • GeoJSON Support: Leaflet can render GeoJSON data, making it incredibly versatile for geospatial applications.

3. Examples of Data Visualization Using Leaflet

Let’s say you’re interested in displaying the locations of different schools in a city. Here’s how you could do it with Leaflet:

/code start/ # Load Leaflet library


# Create a map

leaflet() %>%

  addTiles() %>%  # Add default OpenStreetMap map tiles

  addMarkers(lng = -77.0369, lat = 38.9072, popup = "Washington D.C.") %>%

  addMarkers(lng = -73.935242, lat = 40.730610, popup = "New York City")
/code end/

In this example, we used Leaflet to create a simple interactive map with markers placed at the coordinates for Washington D.C. and New York City. The addMarkers() function is used to place these markers, and the popup parameter lets you display text when the marker is clicked.

5. Highcharter

1. Overview of Highcharter

Highcharter is a slick R package that acts as a wrapper for the Highcharts JavaScript library, offering a wide array of chart types right out of the box. Highcharter brings the power of Highcharts into the R world, allowing you to create visually appealing and interactive charts with ease.

2. Key Features and Benefits

  • Rich Chart Types: From basic line and bar graphs to more complex types like heat maps and 3D scatter plots, Highcharter has you covered.
  • Theme Customization: The library allows extensive customization, so you can make your charts fit any aesthetic requirements.
  • Export Options: You can export your charts in various formats like PNG, JPG, or even interactive HTML files.

3. Examples of Data Visualization Using Highcharter

Let’s say you want to visualize the monthly sales data for an online store. Here’s how to create a simple line chart:

/code start/ # Load the Highcharter library


# Create some example data

months <- c("Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun")

sales <- c(200, 220, 250, 275, 300, 320)

# Create the line chart

highchart() %>%

  hc_title(text = "Monthly Sales Data") %>%

  hc_xAxis(categories = months) %>%

  hc_add_series(name = "Sales", data = sales, type = "line")
/code end/

In this example, we utilized the highchart() function to initiate the chart, then added various elements like titles and axes. The hc_add_series() function is used to add the sales data.

6. ggvis

1. Overview of ggvis

If you’re a fan of ggplot2 but crave more interactivity, ggvis is the library for you. Developed by the same team behind ggplot2, ggvis brings the same philosophy of layered graphics but adds interactivity to the mix.

2. Key Features and Benefits

  • Layered Graphics: Create complex visualizations by stacking layers of graphics.
  • Interactive Elements: Add sliders, checkboxes, and other interactive elements directly to the chart.
  • Smooth Integration: Works seamlessly with other tidyverse packages like dplyr for data manipulation.

3. Examples of Data Visualization Using ggvis

Let’s create an interactive scatter plot that allows you to choose the variables for the x and y axes.

/code start/ # Load the ggvis library


# Load example data


# Create the interactive scatter plot

mtcars %>%

  ggvis(~mpg, ~wt) %>%

  layer_points() %>%

  input_select(c("mpg", "wt", "qsec"), label = "X-axis variable", map = %>%

  prop("x", ~eval(input_select())) %>%

  input_select(c("mpg", "wt", "qsec"), label = "Y-axis variable", map = %>%

  prop("y", ~eval(input_select()))
/code end/

In this example, we use the mtcars dataset that comes with R. We employ ggvis to create a scatter plot, and the input_select() function adds a dropdown menu for selecting variables for the x and y axes.

7. Lattice

1. Overview of Lattice

Lattice is another powerful R package for data visualization, especially tailored for those dealing with complex data structures. It’s particularly useful for creating high-level statistical graphics and is excellent for visualizing multivariate data.

2. Key Features and Benefits

  • Multivariate Graphics: Lattice is designed to handle multiple variables with ease, giving you the ability to visualize complex relationships.
  • Panel Layouts: The package lets you create multi-panel figures, which can be incredibly useful for comparing different subgroups of your data.
  • Conditional Plotting: Allows you to create plots that can display different variables or characteristics depending on conditions you set.

3. Examples of Data Visualization Using Lattice

Let’s take an example where you want to plot fuel efficiency against the number of gears in a car, separated by the number of cylinders it has.

/code start/ # Load the Lattice library


# Use the mtcars dataset


# Create a conditional plot

xyplot(mpg ~ gear | cyl, data = mtcars, layout = c(3, 1))
/code end/

In this example, xyplot is the main function used for creating scatter plots in Lattice. The argument mpg ~ gear | cyl indicates that we want to plot mpg against gear and condition it on the cyl variable.

8. RGL

1. Overview of RGL

Ever thought about taking your data visualizations into the third dimension? RGL makes that possible! This R package leverages OpenGL to enable 3D visualizations, allowing you to explore your data in ways you might not have thought possible.

2. Key Features and Benefits

  • 3D Graphics: From 3D scatter plots to surface plots, RGL has you covered.
  • Interactive Viewing: You can interact with your 3D visualizations, rotating, zooming, and panning to examine your data closely.
  • Export Capabilities: RGL can export your 3D plots to various formats, including WebGL for web-based presentations.

3. Examples of Data Visualization Using RGL

Here’s a simple example where we create a 3D scatter plot:

/code start/ # Load the RGL library


# Create some data

x <- rnorm(100)

y <- rnorm(100)

z <- rnorm(100)

# Create a 3D scatter plot

plot3d(x, y, z, col = 'red', size = 3)
/code end/

In this example, plot3d is the function responsible for generating 3D scatter plots. We have used rnorm to generate some random data for demonstration purposes. The col parameter is used to set the color of the points, and size sets their size.

9. Dygraphs

1. Overview of Dygraphs

Dygraphs is an R package that focuses on creating interactive time series charts. If you’ve got data that changes over time and you want to explore it in depth, Dygraphs is the tool for you. It’s known for its high-performance rendering and user-friendly interface.

2. Key Features and Benefits

  • Interactive Time Series: Dygraphs lets you roll over the data points to see their values and drag along the timeline to create a zoomable interface.
  • Customizable: You can customize virtually every aspect of the chart, from colors to the grid and even the labels.
  • High Performance: Dygraphs can easily handle large datasets without any loss in performance.

3. Examples of Data Visualization Using Dygraphs

Imagine you want to visualize stock prices over time. Here’s a basic example using a hypothetical dataset.

/code start/ # Load the Dygraphs library


# Create a time series object

stock_data <- ts(c(45, 47, 49, 42, 40, 39, 50), start = c(2021, 1), frequency = 12)

# Create the Dygraph

dygraph(stock_data, main = "Stock Prices Over Time")
/code end/

Here, we’re using the ts function to create a time series object, and then we use dygraph() to plot it. The main parameter gives the plot a title.

10. Threejs

1. Overview of Threejs

If you’re looking to take data visualization to the next dimension—literally—Threejs is the R package for you. It allows you to create 3D visualizations that are web-friendly, thanks to its underlying use of WebGL.

2. Key Features and Benefits

  • 3D Web Graphics: Threejs is perfect for creating interactive 3D graphics that you can easily share online.
  • WebGL Integration: It leverages the power of WebGL, allowing for smooth performance and compatibility with modern web browsers.
  • Highly Customizable: As with many R packages, you can tweak almost every aspect of your visualization.

3. Examples of Data Visualization Using Threejs

Let’s say you have spatial data for a geological survey and you want to plot it in 3D. Here’s how you can do it:

/code start/ # Load the Threejs library


# Create some data

x <- seq(-10, 10, length.out = 30)

y <- seq(-10, 10, length.out = 30)

z <- outer(x, y, function(x, y) { sin(sqrt(x^2 + y^2)) })

# Create the 3D plot

surface3js(z = z, height = 600, width = 600)
/code end/

In this example, surface3js is the function used for creating 3D surface plots. The parameters height and width specify the dimensions of the plot.

Other Notable R Libraries for Data Visualization

When it comes to data visualization in R, there are more than just the mainstream libraries like ggplot2 and Plotly. Here are some other libraries you may want to explore:

  • ggmap: Ideal for spatial visualization with Google Maps and OpenStreetMap.
  • hexbin: For binned hexagon plots, offering a different perspective than scatter plots.
  • rggobi: An R interface for GGobi, a data visualization system for high dimensional data.

Each of these libraries has its own unique features and advantages, so don’t hesitate to check them out based on your project needs.

Choosing the Right R Library for Your Data Visualization Needs

You might be asking yourself, “With so many R libraries for data visualization, how do I choose the right one?” Here are some factors to consider:

  • Ease of Use: Some libraries offer a gentler learning curve, which can be beneficial if you’re just starting out.
  • Flexibility: If you need to create highly customized plots, look for a library that allows for greater control over aesthetics and layout.
  • Interactivity: Libraries like Shiny and Plotly are excellent for creating interactive plots.
  • Data Complexity: Some libraries handle complex, high-dimensional data better than others.

Here’s a quick comparison to help you decide:

LibraryEase of UseFlexibilityInteractivityData Complexity


So there you have it—a comprehensive guide to data visualization packages in R. Whether you’re interested in creating simple scatter plots or interactive web-based visualizations, there’s an R library for you. Don’t forget that the right tool will depend on your specific needs, so it’s worth spending time to explore your options.

In the realm of R data visualization packages, the sky’s the limit. So go ahead, pick a library that suits you, and start turning your data into insightful visual stories.


What are some good beginner-friendly R libraries for data visualization?

If you’re a beginner, you may find ggplot2 and Plotly to be the most user-friendly. They offer a wide range of visualization options without requiring advanced coding skills.

How do I choose between ggplot2 and Plotly?

It depends on your needs. ggplot2 offers more customization but is less interactive. Plotly is excellent for interactive plots and dashboards but may offer less control over aesthetics.

Is Shiny only for web-based applications?

While Shiny is excellent for web-based interactive visualizations, you can also use it for standalone applications. However, it has a steeper learning curve compared to other libraries.

Do I need to install any additional software to use these libraries?

Most of these libraries can be installed directly from the R console using the install.packages() function. Some may require additional dependencies but generally, you don’t need any separate software.

Can these libraries handle real-time data visualization?

Libraries like Shiny and Plotly can be configured to handle real-time data, but this may require more advanced programming skills.

Written by by

Rahul Lath

Reviewed by by

Arpit Rankwar

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