


Benefits of Summer School [For Parents of Middle and High Schoolers] 

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benefits of summer school

What is summer school?

Summer schools are classes that students take up during the summer break. These classes may be remedial classes for a particular subject, topic, or skill. They can also focus on new learning and skill development.

It allows your child to even retake an entire class that they found difficult to understand or grasp in the first go.

The classes are not confined to academic opportunities solely but also include social, cultural, and personal development.

Summer schools or classes do not intend to keep your whole summer months busy.

So if you are considering attending summer school courses for your child, you do not have to sacrifice their summer break plans. This will make sense when you know the benefits of summer school.

12 Benefits of summer school

Let us see the academic and non-academic benefits of attending summer school that genuinely help students and parents.

#1 Keep your child on track

Advantages of summer school

With summer school, your elementary, middle, and high schoolers can stay on track with the school curriculum. This setup helps your child to keep up with the pace of school courses and teaching pace.

To keep them on par with the school curriculum, provide them with extra classes that they might have difficulty in or any subject that they wanted to take in school but could not.

Online summer schools branch to tutoring services as well which can be a good way to keep your child aligned with the academic goals of the upcoming school year.

Wiingy is an online tutoring service that helps students with conceptual understanding, homework help, assignment guides, subject expertise, and more.

Each lesson starts at $28 per hour and enables students and parents to have a free first-trial lesson with verified and experienced online tutors.

#2 Reduce the course load of your child’s school

Schools can sometimes be overwhelming, especially if your child is active in extracurricular activities like clubs, sports, and more. This can lead to falling behind the course taught in school, especially when children take up math, science, coding, etc.

There are coding toys and free coding games that can help strike a perfect balance between learning and playing for your child with specifically difficult subjects in coding.

Summer courses can help your child ease up the school course load and follow the teaching pace in school. It will help children balance out their time along with all the extra curriculum. 

#3 Help children to learn new skills

Summer programs enable students to exploresubjects not traditionally taught at school. As mentioned before in the blog, summer school focuses on unique upskilling programs and campaigns to enhance your child’s personal and extra-curricular interests.

Your child can learn new strategies to tackle elective subjects like photography, guitar classes, swimming, design, and more.

To address your child’s design enthusiasm, you can access graphic designing programs, courses, and online tutoring for beginners.

At Wiingy, your child can explore all these aspects of learning under the guidance of personalized and certified tutors. Wiingy tutors undergo a rigorous screening process to serve your child’s specific preferences with expertise. 

#4 Avoid boredom

As much as it is important to follow a routine at an early stage in one’s life, it also becomes difficult to avoid boredom and monotony.

As a working parent, it would sometimes be hard to give maximum time to your children or consistently engage in activities with them, especially during summer break.

There are some best extracurricular activities for kids that will keep your child entertained and busy during their summer vacation.

Enrolling your child in a summer program can help break up the monotony and boredom during summer vacation.

Summer learning programs provide a platform for students of all ages to connect for structured social interaction that can help them beat boredom. 

#5 Be a step ahead of the school course

benefits of summer school

To make your child excel in their classes, you can utilize summer to give your child the opportunity to learn and exceed the school’s academic curriculum. Summer schools provide the best resource to nurture your child’s learning pace. 

They can take prerequisite courses, tutoring services, and other summer camps for better and faster results. This will help your child in better retention and practice, especially for subjects like math and science. 

#6 Strengthen your child’s college application 

A Summer school program offers the skill set required to boost your college applications. They provide various immersive experiences through their courses, tutorials, programs, and other boot camps with certifications. 

The regular school year does not offer this kind of provision for students, hence most parents resort to summer school learning practices.

Some of these courses may not be in your degree program but could benefit you after leaving college. Summer learning looks great on resumes.

#7 Complete school credits

Many school courses require a certain number of credits to graduate. For every grade, there is a dedicated number of credits that each student needs to fulfill before graduation. 

Summer schools relieve your child from the stress of completing credit on time because they provide various elementary, middle school, and high school credit recovery courses.

Pearson Online Academy and Excel High School offer reliable and valuable credit recovery courses. 

#8 Experience with a smaller or one-on-one classroom setup

Summer schools cater to a smaller group of children, unlike regular schools where your child might be neglected by the teacher and fall behind the curriculum of the class. 

Summer schools aim at tailored teaching, to provide optimum attention. Especially at times when they are struggling to understand a concept or an entire subject.

There are one-on-one summer tutoring programs for addressing your child’s niche learning preferences with no distraction and fear of peer competition. Such platforms include Wiingy, Varsity Tutors, Wyzant, and more. 

#9 Build Confidence

One of the most evident benefits of attending summer school is that it builds confidence in school-going children. Summer school boosts confidence and productivity, preparing students for the upcoming school year’s challenges.

When your child can track their progress by working towards developing their skills, you will realize how content and confident your child will become. They can test their intellect without the pressure of a GPA

#10 Eliminate the learning gap

As much as summer vacation is essential for children’s rest and family holidays, it is observed as a summer loss by many parents and researchers. The recent research on summer loss describes how summer vacation can be degrading for children’s education and learning journey. 

Summer school keeps children and learners engaged with learning to avoid summer slide or summer learning loss. Online summer learning programs offer several options for your child to bridge the gap in learning during summer months. It helps children pick up the school curriculum at a much faster pace.

You can check out the best learning services provided by Wiingy, Khan Academy, Tutor.com, and more, to avoid your child’s learning loss. 

#11 Self-paced learning

Unlike school curricula and teaching patterns, summer program is a lot easier to enroll your child into and provide them with self-paced learning.

Every child has a different learning style and preference. Some are inclined towards interactive tools like whiteboards, and some like learning through visuals. 

While schools do not abide by specific learning styles and paces, online summer schools or classes give your child that liberty. Platforms like Wiingy, Wyzant, Chegg, and more, offer the facility of self-paced learning.

#12 Cost-effective option

benefits of summer learning

Summer schools are a better option for speeding up your child’s school course. Taking summer classes can lead to cutting out an entire year or a few semesters of school.

These classes will cost you less than the tuition fees of all the semesters combined in the school. 

You can enquire about online tutoring services or courses for your child during their summer vacation at a minimal price range. At Wiingy, online 1-on-1 classes start at just $28, averaging $35 to $40. You can book a free lesson at Wiingy to check the quality of learning with a personalized tutor.

Wiingy provides your child with the Perfect Match Guarantee, which means if your child does not want to continue with that tutor for any reason, your child can get a replacement tutor free of charge after the free trial lesson.

Why is summer learning important?

Summer school is important for children as it helps prevent the summer learning loss, ensuring they retain and build upon the knowledge gained during the school year.

It has a real positive impact on both academic and social development as it gives your child a structured experience of their summer vacation. 

Attending summer school can be tiring for children after their regular school, but that is why summer learning provides self-paced learning and plays a vital role in stress-free upskilling your child’s academic graph.

By enrolling your children in summer school, you give them the advantage of a head start in the upcoming school year, making it a valuable investment for their future.


For working moms and parents, the structure and learning opportunities provided by summer school can be a game-changer, ensuring that your child stays engaged, advances their knowledge, and is better prepared for the upcoming school year. 

At Wiingy, we understand the challenges of balancing work and family life, which is why we offer personalized 1-on-1 tutoring services across all subjects at an affordable price, making it easier for you to support your child’s learning and success. We provide foundational building, homework help, test prep, assignment, and project expert guidance from our experienced online tutors.

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FAQs on Benefits of Summer School

How long is summer school?

In the United States, the duration of summer school can vary widely depending on the school district, the specific program, and the academic needs of the students. However, typical summer school programs often last between 4 to 8 weeks.

These programs usually start in June and can run through July or early August. The exact length and schedule can depend on whether the summer school is focused on remedial education, enrichment courses, or credit recovery.

How to balance summer school with summer plans?

Balancing summer school with summer plans requires strategic planning and time management. Start by reviewing your child’s summer school schedule and identifying key dates for assignments, exams, and any mandatory sessions. Then you need to adjust the summer plans around this schedule. 

Creating a daily or weekly planner for your child can help them allocate specific times for study and leisure, allowing them to stay organized and stress-free. Most importantly communicate with your child about this plan or schedule for their summer so that you both have a mutual understanding of it.

Can summer school raise your child’s GPA?

Yes, your child’s GPA can increase with summer school. Students can improve their grades by retaking subjects they may have struggled with during the regular school year in summer classes. 

Furthermore, summer schools frequently provide enrichment classes that assist students in advancing or broadening their knowledge of a subject.

Sometimes leading to higher grades that improve their GPA overall. In addition to offering more individualized attention, summer school’s concentrated, smaller class sizes can help students succeed academically.

Does summer school actually help?

Yes, summer school can be highly beneficial for students. It provides an opportunity to catch up on subjects where they may have fallen behind, helping to fill gaps in their knowledge and improve their understanding of key concepts. 

For students seeking to get ahead, it allows them to explore new subjects or earn additional credits, potentially lightening their course load during the regular school year. The focused and often smaller class sizes in summer school enable more personalized attention from teachers, which can enhance the learning experience and boost confidence.

Additionally, summer school offers a structured learning environment during the break, preventing “summer slide” where students may lose academic progress made during the school year.

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